
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Culturatti Kids - Next Fundraiser

Culturatti Kids will be having their next fundraiser at the Wal-Mart in West Lafayette on October 25 and 26. Please come out and see us and donate to this great cause!

We look forward to seeing you there!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Culturatti Kids Is Ready to Be Seen and Heard!

Culturatti Kids, a division of The Culture Connection Foundation, has been working hard this year getting our foundation 509 status (supreme importance in non-profit world) and getting our fundraisers up and working. We are happy to announce that we are starting to work with schools in the Indianapolis area and beyond.

Please subscribe to our blog to learn more about upcoming events and fundraisers and also to see where we are working and donating time, money and supplies.

Our Best,